Meet Rejuv™

1st Device to Rejuvenate and Clean Clear Aligners

4D Clean Kit-2


4D Clean Kit rejuvenates your 4D Aligner™ daily to ensure best possible performance and aesthetics. 

① Ultrasonic Cleaner x 1
② Power Adapter x 1
③ Cleaning Tablets x 96
④ Quick Start Guide x1

Specially designed to keep aligners and retainers odor-free, hygienic, and clear with best performance every day.



Rejuvenate your aligners and retainers!

LuxCreo's 4D Aligners™/Retainers can uniquely

  • Return to its original shape
  • Return to original force (reverse stress relaxation)

after regular use with heat application (hot water).

Wearing New Aligners Every Day!

4D Ultrasonic Cleaner

How to use: 

Step 1: Place your appliances into the cleaner side by side, teeth cavities face-up, onto the filter rack

Step 2: Add tap water into cleaner, submerging appliances, Add cleaning tablet(s); Close the lid.

Step 3: By one click, enjoy 10 minutes of heating (60 °C) and ultrasonic cleaning

Step 4: Open the lid to cool down for 5 minutes; Use the rack to take appliances out.

Step 5: Rinse appliances with cold running tap water; Wear freshly rejuvenated appliances.

TIP: It is normal for the appliances to feel tighter immediately after rejuvenation

1-Click Aligner Production Workflow

Validated direct print, same-day clear aligner workflow​.





First FDA cleared 510 (k) Class II direct print aligner workflow.