from Scan/Dental Model to Aligner
in less than 4 minutes
Simplified Workflow
LuxDesign creates aligners and retainers from scan / dental model in less than 4 minutes.
It is possible to configure aligner thickness, gap, and other parameters, streamlining the process and have the final clear aligner model within minutes, ready to print in the industrial Lux 3D+ industrial dental production platform and iLux Pro Dental mini-industrial desktop production platform.
Simplified Workflow
LuxDesign creates aligners, retainers and nightguards from scan / dental model in less than 4 minutes.
It is possible to configure aligner thickness, gap, and other parameters, streamlining the process and have the final clear aligner model within minutes, ready to print in the industrial Lux 3+ Dental Printers.
Managing Patients & Cases
- Add, edit, and delete patients
- Add new cases for different patients
- Upload dental model STLs
- See and edit cases
Gap Filling & Boundary Adjustment
- Automatic or manual gap filling to enhance fit and comfort for patient
- Draw and adjust boundary to create aligner, nightguard or retainer model
Configure & Create Aligner Model
Full Batch Aligners & Retainers
Print a full batch of clear aligners, retainers and nightguards in less than 30 minutes
Computer Specifications Overview
To get the best performance from LuxDesign, please make sure your system meets the requirements as listed in the table.